Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 添加你的内容、图片和品牌颜色,你就可以自信地展示你的幻灯片了!
Sales: 10
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 只需添加您的内容,图像和品牌颜色,您就可以自信地展示您的产品...
Sales: 8
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 只需添加您的内容,图像和品牌颜色,您就可以自信地展示您的产品...
Sales: 3
Modern Keynote Presentation Template
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 添加你的内容、图片和品牌颜色,你就可以自信地展示你的幻灯片了.
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 只需添加您的内容和图像,您就可以自信地展示幻灯片了.
Sales: 3
Income Keynote Presentation Template
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 添加你的内容、图片和品牌颜色,你就可以自信地展示你的幻灯片了!

nft游戏主题模板 by CreativeStudio

Nft Gaming Includes files Inside are main files, pdf, documentation and content that can be made to suit your presentation
Sales: 1
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 添加你的内容、图片和品牌颜色,你就可以自信地展示你的幻灯片了!
Sales: 1
年级-教育主题模板本演示文稿是为需要企业业务风格的教育课程和学校制作的. In this presentation, various unique slides will be presented...
Sales: 1
Nova Multipurpose - Keynote template
Nova is a cool Keynote template yet creative and professional. 它包括141个独特的幻灯片. 有超过6500个组织良好的免费矢量图标,涵盖所有业务领域. This premium...
Sales: 1
Impress your audience with this versatile template! Perfect for both business and personal use. 添加你的内容、图片和品牌颜色,你就可以自信地展示你的幻灯片了!
Sales: 1
食物-食物 & 饮品主题模板
这个演示是为《og体育》制作的 & Beverages that require a corporate business style. 在这次演讲中,我们将展示各种独特的幻灯片,这些幻灯片肯定不会无聊
这个模板是一个现代风格的ppt演示,有独特的幻灯片,它有很多功能. It’s made with Slide Master which makes customization very...
This template is a clean-style template presentation with unique & 最小的幻灯片. 这个模板是适合那些谁想要展示自己的业务简单而有趣.
This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purposes, 例如:Creative Agency, og体育, 公司及商业, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup,也可以是...
Kurolink Keynote模板
Kurolink主题演讲模板这个模板适合那些想要简单有趣地展示自己业务的人. Of course, this template is a professional, and multipurpose...

nft钱包基调模板 by CreativeStudio

NFTs Wallet & Payment Keynote Template Template has a professional, 超现代和独特的设计, where each slide is created with love and attention to detail.

5 Best Best Advertising Agency 主题模板 2024

Template Name Downloads Price
地球主题演讲模板 10 $15
WDGT动画基调模板 8 $15
Omni主题演讲模板 3 $15
费尔曼-商业主题模板 1 $16
Deckly - Pitch Deck Keynote Presentation Template 10 $21

Best Advertising Agency 主题模板 for IOS and Mac

Are you a promotional or marketing company? Do you need a great-looking presentation? Templateog体育首页作者设计的这些广告代理Keynote模板是任何广告代理的完美解决方案. Indeed, part of what makes a firm successful is a professional sales pitch. 这些易于编辑的主题将与您的广告公司的品牌相匹配. Take a look at all the current collection options today.

How to Use Creative Ad Company Keynote Slides Templates

You know the importance of having the right sound and look for a company, 但有时候,不仅仅是让你的广告公司为自己说话. 一个看起来很专业的, 预先制作的幻灯片可以帮助您以有效和有吸引力的方式展示您的案例.

These samples are simple and easy to edit for everyone on the staff. Besides, you can customize them according to the speaker's needs, which means you'll have a personalized project to help your career grow. 此外,如果您想将主题用于个人目的,欢迎您下载它们.

Before buying these samples, make sure they are relevant to your audience. 当你知道他们对你的演讲的期望时,找出这些信息的过程会变得容易得多.

Top Features of Advertising Agency 主题模板 for Apple

Ever had a presentation idea but didn't know how to execute it? 预先设计的幻灯片是精心制作的,注重细节,质量最高. 同样重要的是, 一个专业的设计师团队已经完成了设计,并为您的与会者创造了一个完美的样品.


  • 对象占位符;
  • Animation & transitions;
  • 宽屏的比例;
  • 易于编辑,只需拖放;
  • Print-ready;
  • Resizable vector and shape elements;
  • 一键选择颜色;
  • 免费、快速支持;
  • 短的指令.



  • 在你的陈述中要清楚,并解释为什么它对你的听众很重要. 例如,把它集中在一个或两个要点上,并用有用的插图详细说明每个要点.
  • 在你的演讲中加入视觉效果——包括相关的图片来突出重点. In fact, the more visual elements, the better.
  • 确保你与团队的其他成员合作良好,并对反馈持开放态度. 特别是,对别人要有礼貌,即使是那些和你意见不同的人.
  • 确保你的内容清晰可辨. 此外,不要说“我们是来帮忙的”、“让我们知道”、“我们是一个团队”之类的陈词滥调.

Creative Ad Company 主题演讲模板 FAQ

Why buy pre-made advertising agency Keynote templates?

It is a fast and easy way to save time, effort, 甚至是一点钱,同时还能给你的客户提供他们应得的质量. 因此,请不要犹豫,使用这些幻灯片作为起点来开始您的项目.

Are there any refunds available for advertising firm KEY themes for iOS?

There are some cases where customers can get a refund. For example, 如果他们经历了重大缺陷, 他们收到未描述的物品, 或者产品没有交付.

Can I sell Templateog体育首页's publicity agency presentations for Apple?

You can sell Templateog体育首页's products through a referral program. Templateog体育首页是一个值得信赖的联盟网络,在全球拥有超过165,000个联盟. You will earn money on your sales with up to a 30% share from every sale. Please visit the 从属节目 section below to learn more.

Can I sell my PR agency slide samples for Mac on Templateog体育首页?

Yes, you can! 注册成为一个作者(“开始销售”按钮在顶部),并按照简单的说明. 之后,你可以随意上传你的作品,让全世界的人都能看到.

The Latest Typography Trends for Advertising Agency 主题模板

Do you want to diversify your Creative Ad Company Keynote Presentation? 使用时髦的字体! 检查一个视频与专业收集排版趋势的广告机构, 宣传公司, marketing commercial companies projects and apply them in your works.